
诗人&quants best business schools badge overlaying photo of students studying in the Paul College Great Hall

这是永利app新版本官网地址连续第二年 彼得T. 保罗经济与商业学院 新英格兰最好的公立商学院是 2024 诗人&宽客 最佳本科商学院排名.

主要研究 Paul排名第一. 63 nationally and among the top 50 universities in the country for academic experience (No. 第43位)和职业成就(第43位). 46). It also is among 25 schools reporting employment rates of at least 95% with a 97% placement rate 90 days after graduation. Additionally, 85% of students landed a business-focused internship before graduation.

与美国一些最好的商学院相比, 保罗学院排名高于普渡大学, 锡拉丘兹大学(惠特曼)和密歇根州立大学(布罗德)的学术经历, 比迈阿密大学更高(法默), 亚利桑那大学(Eller), 和西顿霍尔(斯蒂尔曼公司)的职业成就奖.

Unlike other rankings based solely on how business school leaders rate each other, the 诗人&宽客 rankings are considered the most comprehensive assessment of undergraduate business programs, 基于三类数据. These measure the undergrad B-school experience: the quality and diversity of students enrolling in the program; the ability of a B-school to nurture, 挑战, and help students grow; and employment outcomes. 对刚毕业的学生进行了教师可用性方面的调查, 课外的机会, 以及校友网络的可及性.

“We are so proud of this ranking as it truly reflects the excellence of our students, 教师和专门的支持人员,院长露西·吉尔森说. “When a ranking is driven by data as well as the experience of recently graduated alumni, it is clear that 主要研究 Paul is an outstanding business school that delivers on the investment students and their families are making in higher education.”

作为校友调查的一部分, the Class of 2021 was asked to rate various aspects of their experience on a scale of 1 to 10. Paul College got high average scores of 9 when alumni were asked if they would recommend their b-school to others and for faculty quality and accessibility. 70% of alumni also reported participating in a signature experiential learning program or project, and 80% of alumni reported getting a job offer in their preferred industry.

Kristy Bleizeffer说 诗人&宽客, “All business schools ranked are at the leading edge of business education. They deliver a learning experience that transforms student’s sense of who they are and what they can do in the world.”

主要研究 Paul是体验式教育的全国领导者. 它标志性的第一年课程, 火, helps students build community and explore the college and university in a supportive team-based approach, and its 业务 and Practice program connects them with industry professionals in an interactive classroom learning environment. Paul has numerous opportunities for students to explore and apply their knowledge and skills, 包括17个以行业为重点的学生组织和俱乐部, 顶点企业咨询项目, 还有学生经营的投资基金.

“What sets Paul apart from other business schools is our focus on educating stludents thoroughly so they can find their purpose and lead full and meaningful lives,路Echazú说, 负责本科教育的副院长. “我们考虑的是他们的整个学术生涯, one that includes those professional and social experiences that set them apart after graduation. The spirit of collaboration and responsible management principles runs through the college, where our faculty infuse the classroom experience with real-world projects, and alumni and industry partners are central to co-curricular and career readiness programs.”

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@yxxxstone.com | 603-862-4465